Questions? Contact Varsity O | [email protected] | 405.325.4709
Thursday, April 18
Join Coaches Cabana & Cale Gundy for an event exclusive to OU Football alumni.
Spring Game Social
Riverwind Casino | Showplace Theatre
1544 State HWY 9
- Free valet parking on north side of casino - inform you are with Coaches Cabana
- Once inside casino, the check-in table will be in front of the showplace theatre. Upon check-in, you will be given your drink tickets. If you RSVP prior to Thursday, April 11, you will receive a play card of $125.
- There is a limited number of discounted rooms available at the Riverwind Casino hotel for $95/night. To book, call 405-322-6000 and use discount code CABANA.
- To RSVP for this event only, text Cale Gundy at 405-496-8005.
Saturday, April 20
Varsity O x SOUL Mission Brunch
UPDATED LOCATION: Everest Indoor Training Center
Located immediately to the east of Gaylord Family - Oklahoma Memorial Stadium and adjacent to the John Jacobs Track and Field Complex
10 AM - 12:30 PM
Varsity O x SOUL Mission Brunch
UPDATED LOCATION: Everest Indoor Training Center
Located immediately to the east of Gaylord Family - Oklahoma Memorial Stadium and adjacent to the John Jacobs Track and Field Complex
10 AM - 12:30 PM